The first CISSP book I read was in Doha-Qatar in Nov2017 and on 10 Nov 2020 I passed the exam with 100 questions in 110 minutes in Jeddah – Saudi Arabia. Between these 3 years I was in Egypt, my home country.
Dedicated studying between 3 countries for 3 years. My two recommendations:
1) Never study from one source. CISSP CBK depends on multiple sources, to get the maximum benefits don’t study from one source. You can review my plan and choose the best sources for you.
2) Never think that the CISSP exam is based on Memorizing. This course and exam are 100% based on concept understanding ONLY.
My first exam attempt was in July 2019 and my study was based on CBK study guide from Sybex book only. Although I completed all Cybex practice questions in the book and online questions bank, I failed in the real exam.
After that, I understand that I have to increase my knowledge base from different sources and here is my study plan. Many Egyptians CISSPs friends and others outside supported me a lot during my journey:
· CBK Study Guide Sybex V8 Book – Cover to Cover including questions after each chapter. Very important.
· Shon Harris All in one V8 Book - Cover to Cover. important
· Sybex Practice Questions – Total 1400 Questions. pass rate should be 85% minimum.
· Shon Haris All in one Questions – Total 400 Questions. Pass rate shoud be 80% minimum.
Next step is to read the Great book “How to think like a manager for the CISSP exam “. Its included 25 qualified questions including most of the exam topics
Overall, Minimum practice questions should be 5000 before going to the real exam.
Last Month, I covered all the topics and concepts from new source “Study Notes and Theory “
Luke Ahmed provided great materials. First, I reviewed his videos which covered all CISSP concepts in an excellent way. The exam will not be out of these concepts.
Second, I went through his practice questions which are much difficult than the real questions in the exam
1 week before the exam, I review mind maps created by Study Notes and Theory plus review
ISC2 Flash cards available on ISC2 website.
2 Days before the exam please RELAX, be CALM
During the exam, the most important thing you must control is your STRESS, even if you are not sure of most of your answers, THIS IS NORMAL. Questions are tricky.
Never spend more than 2 minutes in one question . Each 25questions should be completed in 30Min.
Time Management is very important during the exam.
NOTE1: I attended 5 full days CISSP bootcamp in Dubai in Dec2019 , it was good but not the best.
NOTE2: Studying 3-4 hours daily for 6 months you will pass CISSP
Here some excellent Youtube links you can go through during your journey:
More resources & practice questions available offline , contact me anytime if I can support. Good luck