Hi everyone,
I have passed the test yesterday at 101 questions in 1h30. Here are some tips/experience which works for me (might not suitable for others so its totally your call to apply or not).
1. Try as many practice sources as you can, don’t stick with one because you will be familiar with wording style/questions and answers. Some resources I used are Luke Study Notes and Theory, ITDojo (free), Boson, Shon, Sybex practice test (1st edition), Cissp practice questions phone app (orange icon), Thor Udemy and Telegram group.
2. Get yourself some study partners. Sometimes you need their tips to remember things or quickly refresh of some knowledge. Trust me, it’s really helpful
3. Stay healthy. This is important because CISSP requires you to have a good memory (some say otherwise but to me, this is true). Good memory only come with the healthy body. During the last 3 months, I went to bed early, exercise daily and keep my study plan from 5:00 AM -> 8:30 AM.
4. Start with one main source (mine is Sybex). Review and compare all the important concepts with various sources as well to see the common pattern (they should be the same in some how because the concept is the same).
5. Use SunFlower as a summary. About a week before the test, you should be able to understand 90% of what they’re saying (2 months before the test, that document is like an alien property to me just FYI).
6. Be active in the group. Make sure you read all the messages posted in this group even if you’re exhausted from work. I did scroll up all the way to the top to read more questions and explanation from former experts. I think those are very very valuable and helpful.
7. Don’t get angry and quickly fast forward through the wrong questions. Try to guess if you don't know the answer. Understand the reason for your mistake is more important than those practice results.
8. Monitor your progress. Make sure you make the full cycle of practice test before doing it again. So you can forget all the answers.
9. Subscribe to SNT, Reddit CISSP or other form of CISSP community. See their experiences to get the total landscape of the test. Check all the posts with PASSED to have motivation (I am a freak I know).
10. While in the test, expect to have first 10-20 question in panic mode (you are getting used to the test at that time). From question 60 above, you will be in exhausted mode so be ready, don’t give up, don’t let go by picking sloppy answer. BE CALM, you study it hard enough so believe in yourself.
Thank you for your time to read this lengthy sharing. Don’t hesitate to ping me or connect with me if you have any question or need further discussion and I wish you all good luck in this test.